Club meeting notes from May 5, 2015
Meeting began with prayer, and then, in preparation for our program, we sang, "Baby Face," followed by "America the Beautiful." One of these songs was better known than the other.
We welcomed our guests, including Sam Brown (Max), Melinda Brown (No relation, as far as I know)(Charles), and Laura Beth and Tanner Morton, Students of the Month.
Dorothy bragged on Leslie, fondly remembering the time we sang, "Baby Face," to him so many years before. Phil bragged on the Wine Walk and Plainview Downtown Initiatives. Buddy bragged on Pierre's Letter Jacket, and Ted bragged on Rotary's work eradicating polio. We are this close!!
David K. introduced on program speaker, Brenda Jones, who gave a presentation on Early Childhood Intervention programs in the Panhandle Region.
Ted closed the meeting with the reminder to "Lighten up! Rotary," through "Service Above Self."